SLII® Concepts

What's in our learning solution for you on SLII® Concepts?
Create individual success with a situational approach to leadership.
With organizations moving at a blistering pace, there’s more pressure than ever for leaders to be effective at managing successful teams.
But often, they don’t have the skills to be the agile, adaptive leaders they need to be, and they struggle to build meaningful connections and achieve results.
It’s not for lack of effort or interest. Research has shown that most leaders are limited to a single leadership style – so they don’t know how to unleash the potential of their people as their needs shift.
Leaders need to learn how to lead situationally. Blanchard’s SLII® empowers leaders to become adaptive – a requirement for our uncertain times.
Backed by 40 years of research and an unmatched track record of results, the SLII® Concepts learning journey teaches your leaders how to lead situationally by giving their people the right support and direction at the right time. SLII® enables leaders to build deeper relationships with their people, making every day more inspiring, motivating, and meaningful.