Managing Conflict with the TKI® Assessment

What's in our learning solution for you on Managing Conflict with the TKI® Assessment?
Conflict mastery isn't just about resolution; it's about leveraging diverse conflict styles and turning conflicts into opportunities for collaboration and growth.
In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, effective conflict management is not just about resolution, it's a catalyst for growth.
Empower your teams with the prowess to navigate conflict deftly through our Managing Conflict learning journey.
Discover the transformative power of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument – TKI®, unveiling five distinct conflict modes: Avoiding, Accommodating, Compromising, Competing, and Collaborating.
This tool is the key to understanding, assessing, and strategically handling conflict situations. With the TKI® assessment, your people discover their default conflict approach and throughout our learning journey, they equip themselves with the ability to flexibly adopt other styles and discern the optimal strategy for diverse scenarios.
Our transformative learning journey empower your people to adapt their approaches, turning conflicts into opportunities for collaboration and growth.